Benefits under the Social Code Part II must be applied for. They are always an individual service that takes into account the personal circumstances – as far as legally possible.
If the eligibility requirements are met, subsistence benefits are granted taking into account income and assets. Furthermore, education and participation benefits may be granted on request.
The first application
An application for basic benefits can be informally dropped into the office mailbox. Personal appearances are currently only possible by invitation or appointment. If you would like a personal meeting, you can book an appointment by phone or online(link).
You can still reach the Jobcenter Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis under the service number 07721 – 209-777
The application for re-authorisation
At the end of the authorisation period, usually 12 months, the benefits must be reapplied. As a rule, the application for re-authorisation is automatically sent before the end of this period.
Important notes
In the event of a late submission of the application (after the end of the last grant period), you will not receive any benefits for the time being.
Therefore, submit your further authorisation applications as early as possible!
The application for further authorisation can be found here.